Jin is a Japanese television drama series, first broadcast on TBS in 2009 and a second season in 2011. It is based on the Japanese manga series, Jin, written by Motoka Murakami. It was one of the most popular dramas of the year and won many major awards. The story follows a brain surgeon named, Minakata Jin, who has spent the last two years in anguish, as his fiancee lies in a vegetative state after an operation he performed. One day, he faints at the hospital and awakens to find himself transported back in time to the Edo period. He is soon attacked by a samurai, but he escapes with the help of a man named Kyotaro. Kyotaro suffers a serious injury to the head while trying to protect him, but Jin manages to save his life despite a lack of proper medical equipment. Because of that, Kyotaro's sister Saki begins taking an interest in Jin and becomes his assistant. Meanwhile, Jin is determined to find a way back to the present.
Takao Osawa
Jin Minakata
Haruka Ayase
Saki Tachibana
Miki Nakatani
Miki Tomonaga / Nokaze
Kenta Kiritani
Yusuke Saburi
Yumi Asou
Ei Tachibana
Keisuke Koide
Kyotaro Tachibana
Seiyo Uchino
Ryoma Sakamoto
Hiromasa Taguchi
Junan Yamada
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