"Late blooming Sunflower -My life renewed-" is a story of 7 young adults living their ordinary days near the Shimanto river of Kochi prefecture, renowned as the last of the crystal clear streams. Somewhat nostalgic, somewhat new, they hold on to their dreams and insecurities. It's a true-to-life portrayal of the days in young adulthood.
Fumino Kimura
Haruna Imai
Ryoko Kuninaka
Sayori Shimada
Kenta Kiritani
Junichi Fujii
Yoko Maki
Kahori Nikaido
Toma Ikuta
Jotaro Kodaira
Yutaka Matsushige
Tetsuya Kusaka
Tasuku Emoto
Hiroki Matsumoto
Yuu Kashii
Sayaka Morishita
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