Räuber Kneißl
Even today, Mathias Kneißl (1875-1902) is considered a national hero in the collective memory of Bavaria. During his lifetime, he was the most wanted criminal in Bavaria and even Prince Regent Luitpold was reported daily on the hunt for the lawbreaker report. Again and again Kneißl's story has occupied the Bavarian artists: his life was retold in folk songs and murders, sung in ballads, filmed and treated in various plays. In his feature film version, the Bavarian filmmaker Marcus H. Rosenmüller relies on a rapid staging, opulent images and a moving love story.
Rosalie Thomass
Tilo Prückner
Schreiner Christof
Brigitte Hobmeier
Mathilde Danner
Eisi Gulp
Gendarm Kleylein
Andreas Giebel
Pfarrer Endl
Stephan Zinner
Edi Holzleitner
Michael Kranz
Gendarm Hildebrand
Stefanie von Poser
Katharina Kneißl
Simon Schwarz
Gendarm Grasser
Maria Furtwängler
Theresia Kneißl
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