Casshern Sins is a reboot of the classic anime series Casshan, produced by Tatsunoko and animated by Madhouse. It premiered in Japan on October 1, 2008, following a sneak preview of the first episode at Otakon 2008 in Baltimore, Maryland. The series completely discards the continuity presented in the original Casshan anime series, in which Casshern was a cybernetic superhero battling the evil robotic forces of Braiking Boss in a post-apocalyptic Earth.However, one could argue that this series could actually function as a prequel to the original Casshan series, as the events in Casshern Sins actually lead to events similar to that of the start of Casshan. In Casshern Sins, Casshern is presented as a cyborg subordinate of Braiking Boss who was ordered to assassinate the savior of mankind, and has thus doomed the Earth to ruin. Casshern Sins made its English broadcast premiere on Funimation Channel on December 21, 2010. A manga adaptation is published in Jive's Monthly Comic Rush Magazine.
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