The Godfather
The Super Dimension Fortress Macross is an anime television series from 1982. According to story creator Shoji Kawamori, it depicts "a love triangle against the backdrop of great battles" during the first Human-alien war. It's the first part of two franchises: The Super Dimension series and Macross series. Macross is a science fiction series that combines transformable mecha, apocalyptic battles, wartime romance, and music. It features mechanical designs by Kazutaka Miyatake and Shoji Kawamori and character designs by Haruhiko Mikimoto of Artland. Macross also created one of the first anime idols Lynn Minmay, turning her voice actress Mari Iijima into an instant celebrity, and launching her musical career. Most of its animation was adapted outside of Japan for the first saga of Robotech.
Sanae Miyuki
Shammy Milliome
Show Hayami
Maximilian Jenius
Hiromi Tsuru
Kim Kabirov
Hirotaka Suzuoki
Riber Fruhling
Hirotaka Suzuoki
Lynn Kaifun
Noriko Ohara
Claudia LaSalle
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