George of the Jungle is a Canadian television series. It is the remake of the 1967 animated series of the same name, using Adobe Flash animation. It is produced in Canada, and more recently in the USA on Cartoon Network, premiering with the Christmas special. In Latin America, it is airing on Disney Channel. The remake mostly stays true to the original production, with a few key differences existing between the two. One episode of the show typically consists of two 11-minute episodes. This is unlike the original cartoon, which featured other stories such as Tom Slick and Super Chicken. The show's first season ran from June 29, 2007 to January 11, 2008, with a second season to air in 2014.
Brian Drummond
Witch Doctor (voice)
Jeff Lumby
Narrator (voice)
Bridget Wareham
Ursula (voice)
Rob Tinkler
Ape (voice)
Mark Oliver
Dr. Towel Scott (voice)
Linda Ballantyne
Magnolia (voice)
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