The show is primarily set on Foxearth Farm, a fictional farm based in the English countryside which is dominated by a variety of animals, particularly the chickens. The Foxbusters are three chickens, Ransome, Sims and Jeffries, who have the unlikely ability to fly. Each has a different personality; Ransome is the best flyer, Sims is the smartest and Jeffries is the comic relief. The Foxbusters also have the ability to spit grit like machine guns, and drop hard-boiled eggs like they were bombs - and these are used to effect among other methods to keep the hungry pack of foxes in Foxearth Forest at bay.
Joanna Lumley
Sims / Evita / Voracity (voice)
Whoopi Goldberg
Ransome (voice)
Jane Horrocks
Jeffries (voice)
Jimmy Hibbert
Todd / Volpone / Ghengis / Dog (voice)
Rob Rackstraw
Voracious / Attila / Farmer Farmer (voice)
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