Whitechapel is a British television drama series produced by Carnival Films, in which detectives in London's Whitechapel district deal with murders which replicate historical crimes. The first series was first broadcast in the UK on 2 February 2009 and depicted the search for a modern copycat killer replicating the murders of Jack the Ripper. A second series was commissioned by ITV in September 2009 with the focus on the Kray twins. The first episode of this second series was broadcast on 11 October 2010. A third series was commissioned by ITV in March 2011, which was extended to six episodes as three two-part stories. The first and second series were broadcast in the United States on six consecutive Wednesday evenings beginning 26 October 2011 on the BBC America cable network. The third was broadcast in the US starting on Wednesday 28 March 2012, also on BBC America. On 24 September 2012, ITV renewed Whitechapel for a fourth series consisting of 6 episodes. The first episode was broadcast on 4 September 2013.
Alex Jennings
Phil Davis
Ray Miles
Rupert Penry-Jones
DI Joseph Chandler
Steve Pemberton
Edward Buchan
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