Roots: The Next Generations is a television miniseries, introduced in 1979, continuing, from 1882 to the 1960s, the fictionalized story of the family of Alex Haley and their life in Henning, Lauderdale County, Tennessee, USA. This sequel to the 1977 miniseries is based on the last seven chapters of Haley's novel entitled Roots: The Saga of an American Family plus additional material by Haley. Roots: The Next Generations was produced with a budget of $16.6 million, nearly three times as large as that of the original.
James Earl Jones
Alex Haley
Pam Grier
Marlon Brando
George Lincoln Rockwell
Richard Thomas
Jim Warner
Barbara Barrie
Dodie Brattle
Marc Singer
Andy Warner
Henry Fonda
Colonel Frederick Warner
Roger E. Mosley
Lee Garnet
Stan Shaw
Jim Warner
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