Bohemian Rhapsody
James at 15 is an American drama series that aired on NBC during the 1977-1978 season. The series was preceded by the 1977 made-for-TV movie James at 15, which aired on Monday September 5, 1977 and was intended as a pilot for the series. Both were written by Dan Wakefield, a journalist and fiction writer whose novel Going All the Way, a tale of coming of age in the 1950s, had led to his being contacted by David Sontag of Twentieth Century Fox. David Sontag had had a lunch meeting in NY with Paul Klein, the head of programming at NBC. At lunch Klein said he needed a series for Sunday night. On the spot Sontag created the idea for a coming of age series seen through the eyes of a teenage boy including his dreams, fantasies, and hopes. Klein loved the idea and asked Sontag who would write it. Sontag suggested Dan Wakefield.
Kim Richards
Sandy Hunter
Lynn Carlin
Meg Hunter
Linden Chiles
Paul Hunter
David Raynr
Ludwig 'Sly' Hazeltine
Susan Myers
Marlene Mahoney
Lance Kerwin
James Hunter
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