Apprentice Lapitch, the little shoemaker sets off on a journey after experiencing injustice from the cruel Master Mrkonja. On his journey he meets Gita, a beautiful little circus girl who is an orphan just like him. They share adventures and experience problems during their journey. They have nowhere to sleep, no food and are poorly clothed, but nothing scares them. They are bold and happy, willing to help everyone. On the night of the full moon something terrible happens, and changes everything...
Nikola Kojo
Bogati košarač
Milan Pleština
Crni Čovjek
Mustafa Nadarević
Dobri košarač
Goran Navojec
Majstor Mrkonja
Božidarka Frajt
Grgina majka
Špiro Guberina
Stari mljekar
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