Small Wonder is an American science fiction sitcom that aired in first-run syndication from September 7, 1985 to May 20, 1989. The show chronicles the family of a robotics engineer who, after he secretly creates a robot modeled after a real human girl, tries to pass it off as their daughter. The show was created under Metromedia Productions and its rights were acquired by 20th Century Fox Television in 1986.
Tiffany Brissette
Victoria "Vicki" Ann Smith-Lawson
Emily Schulman
Harriet Brindle
William Bogert
Brandon Brindle
Marla Pennington
Joan Lawson
Jerry Supiran
Jamie Lawson
Federica De Bortoli
Ilaria Stagni
Jamie Lawson
Oliviero Dinelli
Ted Lawson
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