Each episode follows Fukuzou Moguro, a traveling salesman, and his current customer. Moguro deals in things that give his customers their heart's desire, and once his deals are made and their unhealthy desires are satisfied, Moguro's customers are often left with terrible repercussions, especially if they break the rules of his deals...
Kenta Miyake
Taizo Udo(Story6)
Takuya Eguchi
Kenichi Nakajima(Story1)
Shigeru Chiba
Yosuke Uchinaki(Story5)
Tessyo Genda
Fukuzo Moguro
Shin-ichiro Miki
Kakeru Michihara(Story4)
Wataru Hatano
Junichi Naoki(Story4)
Toshihiko Seki
Shisao Kihara(Story2)
Soma Saito
Iyata Deyashiro(Story2)
Kouki Miyata
Masao Amae(Story3)
Ayumi Tsunematsu
Tomie Monomochi(Story5)
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