The drama revolves around Kounotori Sakura, an Ob-Gyn doctor working at the Persona General Medical Centre who is also a gifted jazz pianist. His mother had died in childbirth and he was brought up in an orphanage, which is what fueled his ambition to be an ob-gyn. He hopes to be able to deliver every baby to this world, congratulating them on the gift of life given to their little bodies. (Source: TBS)
Kentaro Sakaguchi
Ryo Shirakawa
Go Ayano
Sakura Konotori
Wakana Matsumoto
Emi Kurasaki
Nana Seino
Mayumi Kadota
Mayu Matsuoka
Kae Shimoya
Kuranosuke Sasaki
Katsuhide Ogishima
Kazuyuki Asano
Masanobu Osawa
Gen Hoshino
Haruki Shinomiya
Noriko Eguchi
Shoko Mukai
Nao Ômori
Takayuki Imahashi
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