Set in contemporary Montreal, “This Life” is a family saga focusing on Natalie Lawson, an accomplished columnist and single mother in her early forties whose terminal cancer diagnosis sends her on a quest to prepare her teenage children for life without her. Her tight-knit family – sister, two brothers and parents – do the best they can to help her, while coping with their own responses to this revelation.
Lauren Lee Smith
Maggie Lawson
Rachael Crawford
Danielle Berg
Torri Higginson
Natalie Lawson
Rick Roberts
Matthew Lawson
Shawn Doyle
Andrew Wallace
Peter MacNeill
Gerald Lawson
Kristopher Turner
Oliver Lawson
Stephanie Janusauskas
Emma Lawson-Crowley
Janet-Laine Green
Janine Lawson
Julia Scarlett Dan
Romy Lawson-Crowley
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