A modern-day reimagining of Alice-in-Wonderland with the beloved creatures turned into human characters and follows Alicia on a wildly magical trip into the Wonderland that is Budapest. Having recently lost her beloved mother, Alicia backpacks through Europe to fulfill her mother's last wish. A chance encounter with a strange girl forces Alicia on a mind-bending overnight adventure, where she meets not only a mysterious young man, but a whole menagerie of individuals that take her on an odyssey that will open her heart and mind.
James Cromwell
Frederick (Red King)
Sasha Luss
Eleanor (Red Queen)
Jan Luis Castellanos
Ryan (White Knight)
Rune Temte
Ella Bleu Travolta
Alicia (Alice)
Nikolett Barabas
Jennifer (The Pigeon)
Abby Corrigan
Fawn (Cheshire Cat)
Jane Merrow
Anna (The White Queen)
Edouard Philipponnat
William (Mad Hatter)
Henriette Confurius
Trista (White Rabbit)
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