No job is too absurd for Jakob: in a glitter suit with stick-on sideburns, he sings Elvis Presley songs for crooning old ladies - not exactly the musical Olympics, but he needs the money. Now Jakob has the job of transporting a valuable stud ram to Norway by car, because the ram doesn't like flying. Just before he sets off, Jakob's long-forgotten lover Julia calls and announces the arrival of her-their-12-year-old daughter May. The stubborn teenager has taken it into her head to visit the father she has never met. So May has to come along to Norway too. However, with an angrily bleating ram in the back and an arrogant 'goat' in the passenger seat, Jakob has much more than he can cope with.
Julia Koschitz
Tilo Prückner
Jakobs Vater
Wotan Wilke Möhring
Oliver Törner
Wanda Perdelwitz
Pflegerin Seniorenheim
Juta Vanaga
Dänische Kellnerin
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