Reply 1997
Reply 1997 is a 2012 South Korean television series that centers on the lives of five friends in Busan, as the timeline moves back and forth between their past as 18-year-old high schoolers in 1997 and their present as 33-year-olds at their high school reunion dinner in 2012, where one couple will announce that they're getting married. The coming-of-age drama also examines the extreme fan culture that emerged in the 1990s when first generation idol groups such as H.O.T. and Sechs Kies took center stage and K-pop was just blossoming.
Seo In-guk
Yoon Yoon-jae
Song Jong-ho
Yoon Tae-woong
Jung Eun-ji
Sung Shi-won
Lee Ho-won
Kang Joon-hee
Sung Dong-il
Sung Dong-il
Lee Si-eon
Bang Sung-jae
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