Avengers: Infinity War
Collision is a five-part television drama miniseries, which debuted on ITV & UTV in November 2009. In the same month, it was also on PBS as a series in two parts. It tells the story of a group of strangers whose lives intertwine following a devastating car crash. The crash opens a number of startling revelations as stories of everything from government cover-ups and smuggling, to embezzlement and murder start to unravel. The series is open-ended, with a number of unresolved issues; moreover, the story is ostensibly resolved in a metafictional manner with a flashback to an incident in the service station and the swatting of a wasp, which precipitates the initial crash, thus allowing the characters to carry on on their journeys. The wasp as a motif and theme is frequently in evidence throughout the series. The original British broadcast of Collision was edited from the original 5 hours down to three and a half hours. The American broadcast on PBS's Masterpiece Contemporary, the Australian broadcast on ABC1 and the Region 1 DVD release all featured the shortened version. In Australia, Foxtel and Austar's W Channel aired Collision in its original format of five 45-minute episodes, Tuesday, 15 March 2011.
David Bamber
Sidney Norris
Phil Davis
Brian Edwards
Kate Ashfield
Ann Stallwood
Jo Woodcock
Jodie Tolin
Lucy Griffiths
Jane Tarrant
Douglas Henshall
D.I. John Tolin
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