Doki Doki School Hours is a four panel manga series and anime series by Tamami Momose. Sensei no Ojikan was serialised in Bamboo Comics from 1997, published by Takeshobō. A 13 episode anime TV series adaptation was created by J.C.Staff. It was aired on TV Tokyo from April 4, 2004 to June 27, 2004, A 7 episode OVA, Sensei no Ojikan Gold, was also produced by J.C.Staff. These episodes were released onto the DVDs of the TV series, one episode for each DVD. Both the TV series and OVA were dubbed into English by The Ocean Group using their Blue Water Studios and have been licensed for release in North America by Geneon Entertainment. However, the OVA was folded onto the TV series and released together as simply Doki Doki School Hours. Thus, for the release in that region, the 14th episode is actually the first episode of the OVA and so on. The series is centered on 27-year-old homeroom teacher Mika Suzuki and the eccentric and colorful students of her class. The anime, coming two years after J.C.Staff had success with Azumanga Daioh, inherits a lot stylistically from that series, however the original manga predates Azumanga Daioh by two years. Additionally, before the recent anime incarnation, the manga spawned a series of drama CDs.
Kappei Yamaguchi
Kenta Suetake
Kisho Taniyama
Jouji Seki
Kana Ueda
Minako Tominaga
Mitsuo Iwata
Gen. Nakamura
Wakana Yamazaki
Rio Kitagawa
Yuji Ueda
Yuuichi Kudo
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