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01 Jan 1981
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Albert Rumantir, a wealthy widowed businessman, lives with his two sons, Frans and Tommy. They receive a telegram from Manila, sent by Mrs. Rudolf Rumantir, about an inheritance. Rudolf Rumantir was Albert’s late father. Albert is hesitant when he receives the news, as he is reluctant to look after his stepmother. Frans argues that he is busy, so Tommy is the one who picks up and deals with the step grandmother. He is told that she must not be brought home. It turns out that Mrs. Rumantir is very young and beautiful. In accordance to his father’s wishes, Tommy takes her to a hotel. Tommy is having fun and Frans joins in. Finally, Albert also finds out and has dirty thoughts. Albert decides to bring his stepmother home. Seeing their bad intentions, she hauls her son and grandsons to a better life, full of morality and responsibility.



Alona Alegre

Rudolf Rumantir

Baf Sjamsuddin

Tommy Friends

Zainal Abidin

Albert Rumantir

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